In September 2000 he was told that the police had found information on him among papers seized when some members of ETA's Buruntza commando were arrested. In 2004, based on the recommendations of experts, he decided to accept an escort service. Since then he has been assigned bodyguards.
In May 2006, the police informed her that her name had appeared in some papers intercepted from ETA.
Over the past five years, he has recived four letters from ETA. On march 7, 2008, ETA murdered his colleague Isaías Carrasco. The harassement is constant.
Fernando Castillo is PSE-EE Council Member in the City of Durango. On February 28th, 2000, while at work, somebody set his car on fire. On June 4 of that year, ETA killed the Popular Party spokesman in the city of Durango, Jesus Maria Pedrosa. On December, 2001, some people attacked the PSE-EE "people's house" in Durango again. This was the third attack in two years; the last attack was in 2009.
On May 12, 1980, ETA murdered the businessman Ramón Baglietto in Alto de Azkarate. In 1962, Baglietto saved a person from being run over by a vehicle. Eighteen years later, that person, the terrorist Cándido Azpiazu, killed him by shooting him in the head. In 2004, Azpiazu and Zuazo were released after spending 12 years in prison. The town of Azkoitia paid tribute to them and named then citizens of honour. In 2006 Kandido Azpiazu opened a glassware shop on the ground floor of the block of flats where the widow, Pilar Elías, lives.
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